
Research & Development


Turboden has an internal R&D centre in Milan focusing on fluid dynamics research.

  • Cooperation with EU Universities and Research Centres
  • Thermodynamic cycle optimization
  • Working fluid selection & testing
  • Thermo-fluid-dynamic design and validation
  • Implementation & testing of control/supervision software
  • Many patents filed

Turboden strongly contributes to technology innovation, environmental sustainability and industrial competitiveness, being actively involved in public-private partnerships (PPPs) and technology platforms. Turboden is also partner of a number of successful projects co-funded either by international organizations, the European Commission or national authorities.


Research & Development


The main objective of the RESTORE project is to develop a solution, based on the combination of two key innovative technologies, that allows integrating a wide variety of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in District Heating and Cooling (DHC) networks.

RESTORE provides efficient and innovative solutions for the decarbonisation of the heating and cooling needs, using an optimal integration of different renewable energies via an innovative thermochemical energy storage (TCES) combined with a heat pump (HP) and an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), hence paving the way towards the renewable-driven DHC transition and having a direct environmental impact on GHG emission, air pollutants and fossil fuel reduction.

The innovative combination of a TCES and the HP/ORC technology makes it possible to overcome the intermittency among the supply of thermal energy and the fluctuating demand for heat or cold present in DHC networks, thus increasing the availability and reliability of energy distribution on the grid.

RESTORE Project website

Research & Development


SEHRENE’s mission is to provide a viable and efficient solution for energy storage, contributing to Europe’s goal of a sustainable, renewable energy future. Through our innovative ETES technology, we aim to facilitate the continent’s shift to renewable energy and support the decarbonization of industrial sectors, paving the way for a resilient and green energy infrastructure.

Sehrene Project website



The HEATLEAP project aims to demonstrate the environmental and economic benefits of waste heat recovery systems such as large heat pumps and gas expanders in energy intensive industries by testing these technologies at real scale. The project is funded under the LIFE programme.

HEATLEAP website

Bamboo Project


The energy transition towards a secure, competitive and decarbonised energy system is among the main environmental challenges that energy intensive industries are currently facing. They must adapt their current consumption and production patterns to a higher share of fluctuating renewable energy supply.

BAMBOO will move this way. New technologies addressing energy and resource efficiency challenges will be tested and integrated in 4 intensive industries: steel, petrochemical, minerals and pulp and paper.

BAMBOO website


Research & Development

Waste Heat Recover for Power Valorisation with Organic Rankine Cycle Technology in Energy Intensive Industries

Launched in December 2014, TASIO is a project under SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency) PPP, co-funded by the European Commission's research and innovation programme Horizon 2020. The objective of TASIO is to develop an innovative solution based on the ORC technology to recover the excess heat produced by energy intensive industrial processes (cement, glass, steelmaking, petrochemical) and convert it into useful energy, therefore increasing industries' overall efficiency and reducing investment costs. TASIO partners are expected to design and test a cross-sectorial direct heat exchanger as well as apply new materials and coatings to improve heat transfer whilst avoiding heat exchanger corrosion.

Research & Development

Waste HeAt Valorisation for more sustainable Energy intensive industrieS

WHAVES started in December 2013 within the European Commission's Sustainable Industry Low Carbon scheme (SILC I), whose main goal is to help EU energy intensive industry face the challenges of strong global competition and ambitious EU energy, climate and environmental policies. In line with these objectives WHAVES aims at developing an ORC-based standardised solution for a waste heat recovery system for iron&steel industries, disseminate the technology across energy-intensive sectors, promote innovative funding models for investments in energy efficiency, update Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best References (BREF).

Research & Development

Heat Recovery in Energy Intensive Industries - DEMO

The core objective of the H-REII DEMO project, run from 2012 to 2014 and co-funded by the European Commission's environmental programme LIFE, was to develop the first prototype of heat recovery in an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) with the ORC technology, completely integrated into a fume extraction plant. In addition, the project aimed at extending to the European scene the policy results previously achieved at national level through the project H-REII.

Research & Development

Heat Recovery in Energy Intensive Industries

The ambition of the project H-REII, co-financed by the European Commission's environmental programme LIFE and lasted from 2010 to 2012, was to assess at national level the potential for energy recovery with ORC technology through mapping energy intensive industrial sectors in a pilot model in order to estimate the corresponding potential carbon emission reductions.

Research & Development

Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation on Research & Training in Sun based Renewable Energies

EUROSUNMED is a 4-year collaborative project supported by the FP7 Programme of the European Commission. The project brings together research institutes, universities and SMEs from Europe, Morocco and Egypt with a view to develop new technologies in three energy-related areas, namely photovoltaics, concentrated solar power and grid integration. The project aims at producing components expected to be tested under the specific environmental conditions of the Mediterranean Partners countries, such as warm climate and absence of water. Additionally, the consortium envisages establishing a strong network through training and students exchange for know-how and technology transfer across the Mediterranean Basin.

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