News 2016

21 June 2016
4th Bioenergy Week
Turboden takes part in the 4th Bioenergy Week, June 21-24, Budapest, organized by the Global Bioenergy Partnership in cooperation with FAO, EBRD ...

06 June 2016
BusinessCem Sochi
Turboden takes part in BusinessCem Sochi, June 6-8, Russia. The main theme of the Conference is the discussion of the tendencies of the developme...

06 June 2016
IGC Turkey
Turboden is kW Sponsor at IGC Turkey, June 6-8, Izmir. This congress is set up to provide a forum for Turkish and international players in the ge...

01 June 2016
Waste to Energy Asia Summit
Turboden is Sponsor at Waste to Energy Asia Summit, June 1-3, Bali, Indonesia. The event is focused on waste treatment, recycling, landfill, wast...

25 May 2016
11th European Electric Steelmaking Conference
Turboden takes part in the 11th European Electric Steelmaking Conference & Expo, May 25-27, Fondazione Cini, Venice. The event is hosted by AIM a...

16 May 2016
Turboden takes part in AISTech, May 16-19, Pittsburgh, an event featuring technologies from all over the world to help steel producers to compete...

12 May 2016
Turboden is Conference Sponsor at LACGES - Latin America & Caribbean Geothermal Energy Summit, May 12-13, Santiago, Chile. Don’t miss our present...

04 May 2016
31st International Scientific & Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals
Turboden takes part in 31st International Scientific & Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals, Croatia, May 4-6, one of the largest annual gas event...

04 May 2016
All Energy
Turboden takes part in All Energy, Glasgow, May 4-5, one of the leading renewable energy exhibition and conference in Europe. Alessandro Bertacch...

27 April 2016
Turboden takes part in ICCI, April 27-29 Istanbul, the most sustainable international energy fair organized in Turkey, where the energy and envir...

26 April 2016
Iceland Geothermal Conference
Turboden takes part in Iceland Geothermal Conference, Reykjavik, April 26-29. The event focuses on the advantages of utilising geothermal energy ...

25 April 2016
SMU Power Plays Conference
Turboden takes part in SMU Geothermal Lab conference, Power Plays: Geothermal Energy in Oil and Gas Fields, Dallas, Texas, April 25-26. Simone Pa...