Press reviews
Press 2021

Three ways to cut Europe’s heating bill
Industrial heat uses masses of energy and emits large volumes of CO2 – here’s how its impact on the planet can be reduced. Marco Baresi is the I...
Press 2020

We at Turboden are pioneers of the circular economy
40 years of experience and 400 plants around the world, the company located in Brescia tells its story.

Advice For Young Engineers: Learn From Failure, Not Just From Success
When it comes to offering lessons on navigating a fulfilling career in engineering, Mario Gaia has no shortage of rich material to draw on. He’sw...

Turboden signs order with E.ON forgeothermal power plant
Turboden, an Italian company, signed an order with E.ON Business Solutions for a 4 MWebinary system in Kirchweidach, Germany for the final custom...

Turboden chosen to build 4 MW geothermal plant at Kirchweidach, Germany
Italian turbine supplier Turboden signs contract for the delivery of a 4 MWe binary system plant with E.ONBusiness Solutions and final customer F...

A waste heat recovery solution
Sabrina Santarossa, Sales Application Manager - Industrial Heat Recovery, discusses how Organic Rankine Technology is a particularly effective te...

Italian power technology specialist Turboden is a new company on WBPI’s radar for our annual Focus on Italy and one that has been coming up with ...

Low Emission Steelmaking with EAF Waste Heat Recovery
Sabrina Santarossa argues that the steel industry can play a huge part in helping to reach the European Commission’s net zero target by way of re...

New Technologies to recover heat.
BRESCIA. At the cost of appearing banal, it could be said that it is a bit the discovery of hot water. But it would be trivial. Also because, rat...

Beating The Heat
Sabrina Santarossa, Turboden, explains how ORC technology works as an efficient waste heat recovery method and how it could help contribute to a ...
Press 2019

The Repowering of the Lightning Dock Geothermal Plant in New Mexico
Lightning Dock is a Geothermal plant is located in the Animas Valley of southwest New Mexico, in Hidalgo County. In 2013, a first 4 MWe plant wa...

Generating green power and heat
Increasing energy efficiency is becoming a more and more important topic in the energy intensive industries. One of the latest opportunities inve...