Press reviews
Press 2018
Organic Rankine Cycle technology for flexible combined-cycle power plants in the MENA regions
In today’s MENA regions, ICEs and GTs though tend not to be optimised for combined-cycle operation, and their exhaust gas temperatures are not su...

A First for Turkey
Waste heat recovery in Turkish cement production is a very dynamic and promising market; many cement plants have already implemented waste heat r...

Milking the ORC
A dairy factory in Italy is set to install a cogeneration plant that uses an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) that will operate at a higher temperatur...

Turboden entra nel mondo della cogenerazione a gas
Grazie al primo contratto firmato con la Centrale del Latte di Brescia, Turboden è ufficialmente entrato nel mondo della cogenerazione a gas con ...

Italian dairy to install world's first high-temperature steam and power ORC
In Italy, Oganic Rankine Cycle (ORC) specialist Turboden SpA, a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has signed an agreement with Central...

Waste heat recovery market warms to ORC
Coming somewhere between piston engines and gas and steam turbines in terms of typical output, and with significant reliability, flexibility and ...

Europe Must Harness Waste Heat to Be More Competitive
Europe’s manufacturers must recover and use waste heat to improve their competitiveness, according to Turboden, an Italy-based unit of Mitsubishi...

Nelle energie rinnovabili gli incentivi legati all'uso di componentistica locale
Realizzare centrali termoelettriche da sorgenti rinnovabili, soprattutto da biomasse, recupero di calore industriale e sorgenti geotermiche, rich...

COGEN Europe Recognition Awards 2018 Acknowledge Outstanding Performances and Achievements of Cogeneration Sector
Brussels Environment, EnergieAgentur.NRW, Hanae Chauvaud de Rochefort (The ADE), Cooperativa Agricola Speranza, Turboden - Mitsubishi Heavy Indus...

Turboden ORC Technology first choice for cement plants
Turboden, a supplier of ORC system for waste heat recovery, states that its ORC technology is popular with cement plants due to its innovative so...

Turboden provides update on waste heat recovery projects for cement plants in Turkey, Switzerland and Italy
Turboden has released information on its latest waste heat recovery projects using its ORC turbogenerator for cement plants in Turkey, Switzerlan...
Waste heat to power through Organic Rankine Cycle in Iranian O&G industry
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the electricity sector in Iran is characterized by an increasing domestic demand not eve...