
Press reviews

Press 2017

Combined cycles with ORC turbogenerators technology – The new frontier for “Green energy” production

Combined cycles with ORC turbogenerators technology – The new frontier for “Green energy” production

Combined Cycle based on ORC technology for heat recovery applications has considerable potential for boosting energy efficiency and increasing ga...

Sfruttare il calore dei processi energivori per un pianeta più pulito

Sfruttare il calore dei processi energivori per un pianeta più pulito

«La prima volta in cui conobbi Turboden era un semplice appartamento in affitto davanti alla stazione di Brescia», ci dice – mentre ci accompagna...

Protein and Power: Turkey’s Chicken Gambit

Protein and Power: Turkey’s Chicken Gambit

Turkey’s largest integrated egg producer, Güres Group, is working with Italian turbogenerator firm Turboden to convert 500 tons a day of chicken ...

Il sistema ORC Steam&Power

Il sistema ORC Steam&Power

Un approfondimento tecnologico sui turbogeneratori Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) per la generazione elettrica e termica da fonti rinnovabili o da r...

Italy: 10,000 m² ORC-Connected Fresnel and Parabolic Trough Fields

Italy: 10,000 m² ORC-Connected Fresnel and Parabolic Trough Fields

Italy’s feed-in tariff for medium-size concentrating solar power plants has supported the installation of a 10,000 m² Fresnel collector array in ...

USA, New Mexico: New 14 MW ORC Unit for Lightning Dock Geothermal Power Plant

USA, New Mexico: New 14 MW ORC Unit for Lightning Dock Geothermal Power Plant

Turboden supplies a 14 MWe geothermal ORC unit in New Mexico.

Turboden to supply 14 MWe geothermal ORC unit to plant in New Mexico, U.S.

Turboden to supply 14 MWe geothermal ORC unit to plant in New Mexico, U.S.

Turboden has been awarded a contract for the delivery of a 14 MWe geothermal ORC unit to the LightningDock geothermal plant by Cyrq Energy in New...

Turboden gets order of 3.4-MW geothermal plant in Germany

Turboden gets order of 3.4-MW geothermal plant in Germany

Italian turbogenerator systems producer Turboden has won an order to supply an organic rankine cycle (ORC) power system for a 3.4- MW geothermal ...

ORC: an effective solution for heat recovery from open-cycle gas turbines

ORC: an effective solution for heat recovery from open-cycle gas turbines

Both in gas compressor stations and in small power plants, small-to-medium size gas turbines do not allow implementing traditional combined Ranki...

Continuous scrap feeding

Continuous scrap feeding

Ori Martin has completed the revamping and modernisation of the first European Consteel and theinstallation of a heat recovery system on the prim...

Waste Heat Recovery: direct exchange solution

Waste Heat Recovery: direct exchange solution

Cement producers are increasingly installing waste heat recovery (WHR) systems in their plants to reduce power costs and CO2 emissions. Organic R...

ORC: an effective solution for heat recovery in the Oil & Gas industry

ORC: an effective solution for heat recovery in the Oil & Gas industry

In the Oil&Gas supply chain, several processes produce a considerable amount of heat, currently wasted in the atmosphere. ORC technology, thanks ...

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