Turboden provides three Organic Rankine Cycle modules to Ortadogu Enerji
7MWe for two Landfill Gas Energy Production Plants in Istanbul.
17 January 2017
Turboden supplies three ORC power plants to Ortadoğu Enerji (a division of Ortadoğu Group).
Turboden, a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), is a leader in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology for distributed power generation employing renewable sources and waste heat. As of today, Turboden has 334 ORC plants in 35 countries with about 509 MWe installed.
In 2007 Ortadoğu Enerji began production work in the energy sector with the Landfill Gas Electricity Energy Production plant in Istanbul, which became Europe’s largest plant and took place in the top ten of the world.
Turboden supplies the ORC technology to produce 7 MW in addition to the current electric production into the two landfills:
- The first one, Odayeri power plant, generates 45 MW electric through 32 gas engines in a total area of 50 hectares, exploiting 40 Million Tons of waste. Turboden provides 2 ORC units of 2.3 MW electric each, increasing the total installed capacity to about 50 MWe.
- The second one, Komurcuoda power plant, produces 17 MW electric through 12 gas engines in a total area of 40 hectares, exploiting 25 Million Tons of waste. Turboden provides here 1 ORC unit of 2.3 MW electric, increasing the total installed capacity to about 20 MWe.
The total electric power production of the Landfill plants through the ORC systems will be 7 MWe.
Ortadoğu Enerji plant is the third Turboden reference in landfills: the others are in Finland, a 1.9 MWe ORC unit, and in Italy, a 0.5 MWe ORC unit, for a total capacity of 9 MWe.
Turboden has realized in Turkey 8 plants in biomass, waste to energy and geothermal applications, with a total power production of 30 MWe.
In 2015 Turboden estabilished a local subsidiary company in Turkey, Turboden Turkey ORC Turbo Jeneratör Sanayi Anonim Şirketi, aimed at locally producing components of the ORC system in order to give its customers access to the local content related incentives provided by the Turkish Government for renewable energy generation.
Turboden Turkey ORC Turbo Jeneratör Sanayi Anonim Şirketi takes also care of onsite works and allows to offer a superior after-sales assistance in Turkey.