Designing the future of geothermal energy. The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Deep Geothermal has been released.
26 April 2019
Brussels, 18 April 2019 – The European Technology & Innovation Platform on Deep Geothermal (ETIP-DG) has released today its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Deep Geothermal, which aims to shape the strategic plan for research and innovation (R&I) in the geothermal sector and to outline research priorities for the upcoming decades.
In March 2018, the Vision for Deep Geothermal outlined the goals to be achieved in terms of performance and cost‐reductions. Now, the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda recommends actions and research priorities that should be addressed to achieve the key technological and transversal challenges that could make the Vision a solid reality between now and 2050.
Over the last 10 years, the European geothermal sector has matured and consolidated its position as a technological leader. Although the market has enlarged, there is still considerable resource potential in Europe which remains hidden and untapped. The overall development of geothermal and its comprehensive contribution to a decarbonised and efficient European energy market require further research and innovation actions. Successful accomplishment of the priorities detailed in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda requires an increased and more coordinated allocation of private and public (EU, national and regional) funds.
“Research, Innovation and Competitiveness are key for ensuring energy security, energy efficiency and the decarbonisation of the EU economy,” says Fausto Batini, Chairman of the ETIP-DG. “Geothermal energy for heating and cooling and electricity generation is significant resource within the energy system of the future and will contribute to making Europe the global leader in renewable energies.”