
Unlocking eco-friendly energy solutions

14 March 2024

The global cement industry is facing one its hardest challenges when it comes to dealing with sustainability. On the one hand, it has to continue meeting global cement demand that is constantly rising year by year, and on the other hand, it has to reduce CO2 emissions caused by the production process. As of the beginning of 2024, around 145 countries worldwide have announced or are considering net-zero targets. For European countries, this challenge is to reach net zero by 2050.

However, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the direct CO2 intensity of cement production (measured in tons of CO2 per ton of cement produced) has been largely flat in the last five years, in contrast to the necessary annual decline of 4% by 2030, to get on track with the NZE by 2050 scenario.

Mirko Ferrari, Sales Engineer for Industrial Heat Recovery at Turboden, talks about this in an article published in the World Cement Magazine.

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