Turboden is pleased to invite you to the event ‘Heat Electrification, ready technological decarbonisation solutions for industries and utilities’, a technical conference in Germany on Large Heat Pump technology and market developments, to be held on 28 November 2024, at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Dortmund, Germany. The event will be held in English and German and there will be a simultaneous translation service for both languages.
If you would like to take part in our event, kindly complete the Event Registration Form provided below. Once you have registered, our Operations Department will contact you for confirmation and any additional details. Should you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

Natalia Messer
Freelance journalist

Paolo Bertuzzi
CEO & Managing Director,
Turboden S.p.A.

Hiroshi Matsuda
CEO of Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries EMEA, Ltd

Eloi Piel
Market Intelligence
Euroheat & Power

Jan Rosenow
Director of European Programmes at the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

Ken Somers
Partner & Master Expert at McKinsey & Company

Werner R. Lutsch
CEO & Managing Director, AGFW | The Energy Efficiency Association for Heating, Cooling and CHP
10:00 to 10:45
Accreditation and Welcome coffee
Enjoy live performances from local bands and artists
10:45 to 12:15
Key Note Speech
The role of electrification to meet countries decarbonisation targets
Paolo Bertuzzi , CEO Turboden S.p.A.
Hiroshi Matsuda, Senior Vice President, Chief Regional Officer, Europe, Middle East & Africa, MHI, CEO of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries EMEA, Ltd.
Eloi Piel, Market Intelligence Director, Euroheat & Power
Jan Rosenow, Director of European Programmes at the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
Ken Somers, Partner & Master Expert at McKinsey & Company
Werner R. Lutsch, CEO & Managing Director, AGFW | The Energy Efficiency Association for Heating, Cooling and CHP
Moderator: Natalia Messer
12:15 to 12:45
12:45 to 13:15
Technical Speech
Heat pump solutions for German district heating decarbonisation
Andrea Duvia - Senior Consultant – Turboden S.p.A. (German language)
13:15 to 14:30
Networking lunch
14:30 to 15:00
Technical Speech
Large scale heat pumps gain traction quickly – insights on temperatures, applications and refrigerants
Leon Brendel – PhD - Team leader heat pumping and refrigeration Institute for Energy Systems OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule - (German language)
15:00 to 16:15
Round Table
Utilities plan for district heating decarbonisation
Mario Wallner, Project Developer at Wien Energie GmbH
Felix Hack, Energy Manager at MVV Umwelt GmbH
Jozefin Vanbecelaere, Head of EU Affairs, European Heat Pump Association
Ernst Gostner, CEO Fri-el Geo
Moderator: Natalia Messer
16:15 to 16:45
Coffee Break
16:45 to 17:30
Technical Speech
Innovations in the heat pumps turbocompressor
Gabriele Mariotti - Compressor Chief Engineering Manager, Turboden S.p.A. (English language)
17:30 to 19:00
Closing Remarks & Happy Hour

Radisson Blu Hotel
An d. Buschmühle 1, 44139, Dortmund, Germany
+49 231 10860
For more info:
Valentina Medeghini,
Marketing & Communication Specialist
[email protected]
+39 3427728378