Turboden S.p.A.
Legal Headquarters: 25124 Brescia (BS), via Cernaia n. 10
Share Capital paid up: Euro 1.800.000,00 fully paid up
REA number (Economic and Administrative Repertory number): BS-461817
VAT Number: 02582620981
The Turboden Internet site (the “Site”) is an on-line information and communications service provided by Turboden S.p.A. (“Turboden”). Its use is subject to the acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not intend upon accepting, you are invited to not use the site or download any materials from it.
The contents of the pages of the Site are Copyright © of Turboden S.p.A.. All rights reserved. The contents of the pages in the Site may not, either totally or in part, be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without the prior written consent of Turboden, except for the possibility of storing them in one’s own computer or to print extracts from the pages of this Site solely for personal use. The Turboden’s trademarks and logos that appear on this site may not be used on any other web sites without the prior written consent of Turboden S.p.A.. The name Turboden may not be used as Internet address of other sites, or as part of such address, without the prior written consent of Turboden S.p.A..
The information contained in this site is provided in good faith and Turboden believes it to be accurate. In no case shall Turboden be liable for any direct or indirect damage, caused by the use of this Site. The information contained in this Site may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. Turboden may also improve, change, or delete certain sections of this Site, without notice.
Turboden assumes no responsibility for material created or published by third parties with which the Site has a link. Anyone who decides to visit a site linked to Turboden does so at his or her own risk, assuming the responsibility of taking all the necessary measures against viruses or other destructive elements. Links to other sites do not imply that Turboden sponsors or is affiliated with the entities that carry out the services described in those sites.
Any material sent to Turboden, for example by e-mail or via World Wide Web pages, will be deemed not confidential, unless otherwise provided for. Turboden shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such material, and will be free to reproduce, use, disclose, display, transform, create derivative works and distribute to third parties, without limits. In addition, Turboden will be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such material for any purpose, unless otherwise provided for including but not limited to, the development, production and marketing of products using this material. Anyone sending material ensures that the same is publishable and agrees to hold free or liability Turboden from any action by a third party in relation to such material.